Dear Junebug,
Welcome! Most people wait 9 months for a baby but your Daddy and I have been waiting almost 9 years. You were conceived in our minds and in God's divine plan even before we were married and to say we are excited for you to finally enter the world would be the understatement of the century. First of all, I want to say I'm sorry that our "birth plan" didn't quite go as we had hoped and discussed. I certainly never intended on your entrance into this world to involve your Mommy having a kidney infection with 103 fever, you being induced into labor, epidurals and drugs, 17 hours of labor, that horrible little suction cup on your head as you were coming out, blood test after blood test to make sure Mommy didn't give you any of her nasty ailments and a case of jaundice that kept you in the hospital having to sleep in an X-Files looking blue light box for an extra two days.
But if there is anything we've learned in the last week of being here at the hospital is that God did have a plan for you and this was all a part of it. As you get older, I want you to always know that although we want life to go the way we want it to go, that doesn't always happen. It's important to be grateful for the way life is. Live this life one day at a time and always know that you are a child of the most high God, a Princess born to be great.
You are the most beautiful creature I've ever seen in my life and I am absolutely in love with you. I am so proud of you just for breathing.