Saturday, August 15, 2009

Guilty Pleasure: The Suri Cruise Fashion Blog!

Dear Junebug,
A guilty pleasure is known as something one considers pleasurable despite feeling guilt for enjoying it. Fashion and food can be examples of guilty pleasures (according to Wikipedia). One of Mommy's guilty pleasures is reading the Suri Cruise Fashion blog. Suri has great style and I love seeing her fashion choices. I want you to know that you were born into a society that worships celebrity which I think is sad and wrong. But there is nothing wrong with being inspired by someone who has great style as little Miss Suri has proven. Just look at this D+G baby dress! Stop it right now, Suri! You are too cute!


  1. Suri is a Fashion Icon and she's only like 3!

  2. Hi,

    I can't access Suri's blog, do you know if it's closed off to us Europeans?

    Fashionable Mama
